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ANS e.V.

The Working Group for the Use of Secondary Raw Materials and Climate Protection (ANS e.V.) has merged with the DGAW e.V. since 01.01.2022

We look forward to bundling our commitment to the circular economy and climate protection even more strongly in a joint association in the future!

The general meetings of the Arbeitskreis zur Nutzung von Sekundärrohstoffen und für Klimaschutz e. V. (ANS) and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Abfallwirtschaft e. V. (DGAW) unanimously (ANS) and with one abstention (DGAW) and thus with an overwhelming majority decided to merge the two associations on 18.06.2021 under notarial supervision.

The ANS and DGAW were previously two specialist associations with largely congruent areas of work and objectives. Both are non-profit associations that focus on the implementation of the circular economy and in recent years have increasingly devoted themselves to topics such as bioenergy, climate and resource protection, sustainability and the fundamental obstacles to the circular economy in addition to classic waste treatment. As a result of the merger, members benefit from an expanded range of activities, working groups, specialist events and opinion leadership.


Members of ANS e.V. are automatically transferred to DGAW and have the same rights as DGAW members.

Dual membership

Members who were members of the DGAW and ANS before the merger have remained members of the DGAW since the merger with the same status as before the merger. Termination of ANS membership was not necessary.

Membership fee: special conditions in the transition period until 31.12.2023

Members of the ANS who were not already members of the DGAW will continue to pay the previous ANS membership fees.

During a transitional period until 31.12. 2023, former ANS members will have the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the services offered by the DGAW and decide whether to continue their membership of the DGAW. From January 1, 2024, the DGAW contribution structure will apply to the respective membership status.

Periods of notice

Since January 1, 2022, the statutory notice period of three months until the end of the respective year continues to apply.

ANS history

In 1968, the Arbeitskreis für die Nutzbarmachung von Siedlungsabfällen ANS e.V. was founded as a non-profit trade association to contribute to the development of modern waste management and to promote the appropriate and environmentally friendly treatment and recycling of municipal waste.

Today - over 50 years later - this is more relevant than ever. Over the decades, the requirements have grown, but the treatment options have also been continuously developed.

In 2016, this development of waste management towards a circular and resource economy was taken into account by renaming the association the Working Group for the Utilization of Secondary Raw Materials and Climate Protection ANS e.V. The renamed association focused on current issues relating to the material use of residual and waste materials and was committed to promoting climate protection at municipal level.

In November 2018, ANS e.V. celebrated its 50th anniversary to coincide with the 12th Biomass Forum in Bad Hersfeld.

Information events and symposia

The Arbeitskreis für die Nutzbarmachung von Siedlungsabfällen e.V. (ANS) has been known for its high-quality specialist conferences since its founding in 1968. In retrospect, the discussion rounds, initially known as information talks, which were established as early as 1966, have grown into 75 symposia.

ANS e.V. has supported the Future Forum Energy & Climate in Kassel since 2019 and the cooperation is being continued by the DGAW.

In addition, the ANS has contributed to the drafting of legal requirements with numerous statements as an individual association or together with partner associations.

ANS publications - archive

The activities of the ANS have been documented in extensive publications since its founding year. In the ANS archive you will find