Müll und Abfall - Fachzeitschrift für Kreislauf- und Ressourcenwirtschaft
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Informed with vision
Müll und Abfall is your modern forum for the prevention, recycling and disposal of waste. Rely on the exchange with experts ֠and at the same time secure yourself a constant knowledge advantage through up-to-date, carefully compiled specialist information:
- Practice-oriented articles that take into account technical, ecological, economic and legal aspects
- Forewords and commentaries by personalities and experts from the German waste management industry
- News from legal practice
- Contributions on international waste management
- Reports from the Bundestag, the state parliaments and the European Parliament
- Industry news
- News from waste management associations and organizations (e.g. DGAW, ANS, LAGA)
An excerpt from the thematic focal points of waste and refuse:
- waste management planning, waste prevention
- Handling, transportation, storage of waste
- Depositing waste, landfill, old landfills
- Biological treatment, composting, compensation, MBT
- Commercial waste, hazardous waste
- Waste recovery, recycling, raw material recovery, resource efficiency
- Contaminated sites, risk assessment and remediation
- Legal issues, standards, leaflets, guidelines
You too can rely on 'Müll und Abfall' - it offers you numerous extras in addition to the advantages of the magazine. You benefit from
- the earlier publication compared to the printed edition and thus ensure that you are always up to date - online first for your knowledge advantage
- the convenient, extremely accurate full-text search across all content, including numerous filter options - for finding the topics you want particularly quickly
- Unlimited access to the online archive with all issues of the eJournal published to date
- Download entire issues or individual articles for later reading or to create a decentralized archive
- our practical reminder service by e-mail, which automatically informs you when each new issue is published
Published by Erich Schmidt Verlag GmbH & Co. KG, Berlin
Responsible editor: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Klaus Fricke, Braunschweig
Editors: Dipl.-Biol. Birte Turk and Dipl.-Ing. Thomas Turk, Göttingen